Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Years Resolutions

What do you do on New Years?
Do you get drunk is celebration?
Do you party with your mates?
Do you spend it with your boy/girlfriend?
Do you simply celebrate at home?
Do you celebrate at all?

Why is it cause for celebration?
Its just the end of a month, a day... do we celebrate those?
So why do we celebrate the end of a year?
Is it to commemorate all the memories you had in that year?
Is it to start fresh?

You don't have to wait for the new year to start a fresh, or to quit smoking/drinking or to start that new diet.
You don't need the new year to change your life, all you need it the will to do it.

Kathleen Armstrong

1 comment:

  1. That is so true. But I personally feel like celebrating every day because your never going to live the same day again so you should make the post of it. Follow my blog :)
    This is Ciaren by the way, haha
