Saturday, January 29, 2011


When you know you have to let go of something, you want to hold on to it. You never want to let it go. Because change is hard. Change is different. Change is change and people generally try to avoid change. Why do we?

We avoid thing that are different because we dont know how it will effect us. Alot of the time, people will tell you what things do, for instance... someone telling you that spiders are dangerous. You don't want to go near the spider because you don't want to put yourself in in front of danger. Some people are arachnophobic, are so scared of spiders they CANNOT stand to be anywhere near them, or somewhere where they could be. Some people act this way about change. They hate it, dont know what to do when it happens.

Certain people expect you to be good at change, but to some people change is like a spider to an arachnophobic. I dont know the technical name for the fear of change, but i do know that no matter how bad it may seem, change is sometimes for the better :)

Kathleen Armstrong

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