Saturday, December 4, 2010

reality... is it where we want to be?

Have you ever felt like your the main character on a television show? Like everyone in a world outside of yours can watch you? Like your in a world thats a simulated reality? That wherever reality is it's got to be better then yours? Well, I have and its true in a way, that we are all in our own reality.

We all have our own opinions on the world, and ways that we see it. No-one really knows what is happening inside your head apart from you. you could be talking to someone and thinking that they are interested in what your saying... but in there head they just want you so shut up. You don't know what they think, you don't shut-up. Thats why people have voices, to tell people to shut up, that they are not interested. But people also know how to lie.

Everyone lies, they think that its better to lie the tell the truth, but lies can only get you so far, in the end we all find out the truth.

Kathleen Armstrong

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