Saturday, December 4, 2010

reality... is it where we want to be?

Have you ever felt like your the main character on a television show? Like everyone in a world outside of yours can watch you? Like your in a world thats a simulated reality? That wherever reality is it's got to be better then yours? Well, I have and its true in a way, that we are all in our own reality.

We all have our own opinions on the world, and ways that we see it. No-one really knows what is happening inside your head apart from you. you could be talking to someone and thinking that they are interested in what your saying... but in there head they just want you so shut up. You don't know what they think, you don't shut-up. Thats why people have voices, to tell people to shut up, that they are not interested. But people also know how to lie.

Everyone lies, they think that its better to lie the tell the truth, but lies can only get you so far, in the end we all find out the truth.

Kathleen Armstrong

Thursday, November 18, 2010

To Gain or To Lose

Everyone always thinks of all the things they have either lost or gained. It's hard not to. When we think of all the things we have lost over our years of life it puts us in a bad place, sometimes it makes us cry. When we think of all the things we have gained over our years of living its hard not to smile. When we lose a person from our life some people curl up into a ball and cry, other may pretend that it never happened and live in denial. Some people are optimists, they accept the persons death as think of all the good things that they have had with them.
Its different when a person leaves, going on to other things in their life. It's hard to mourn someone who hasn't really gone. You will still be able to keep in contact with them, even if its just asking how they are. But you will not have the same sort of relationship that you had with them again. To make things worse you know someone else will have to replace them. You don't want them too, you want to hold on to the person whom you miss. But after a while you find it hard to push them away, you start to like them. You let them in, and you get too know them. They become a person you like and you know take for granted. Then all too soon they are gone from your life, moving on to do other things, impossible to mourn. You know you had slowly gained a friend, but then all too soon lost them again.

Try not to take people for granted, you don't know when they may leave.

Kathleen Armstrong

Sunday, November 14, 2010

monkey talk

It's funny how one day everything may seem like its perfect, you know its not but you hope it is. Something happens, your perfect world shatters before you feet and your left to pick all the pieces. Some people would try to take the easy option. They would blow the pieces away not knowing that all too soon the wind would change and blow them back into their face, fierce and frayed, impossible to fix.

People change just like the earth spins.

One day you will be talking to someone who you may classify to be one of you better friends. You know basically everything about them, they know so much about you. You have let them into your world, the thing that is your being, only to have them rip and tear up your insides beyond recognition.The person you had grown to know so well is gone, only to be replaced by someone you fail to recognise. When you go to talk to them its like talking to a monkey. You both know its awkward, and there is very little common ground. All you can really do is laugh and walk away.

But maybe give them a banana first.

Kathleen Armstrong

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Blades of Grass

When I think of something really tranquil, I think of blades of grass, bending slowing as the wind pushes and pulls them around. When you are feel like screaming to the top of your lungs because something or someone is really pissing you off beyond reason it's nice to think about something like blades of grass. You know that those blades of grass don't have to deal with what you are going through, that they are at peace with the world, complete and utter peace. It makes you want to get out of there, leave that person/ thing and just run. Run far away, to where the blades of grass play and sway softly in the breeze. To your place of tranquility.
Sometime thats all we need. A little bit of tranquility, or a salvation, to get away from all those things that make you want to scream.