Sunday, November 14, 2010

monkey talk

It's funny how one day everything may seem like its perfect, you know its not but you hope it is. Something happens, your perfect world shatters before you feet and your left to pick all the pieces. Some people would try to take the easy option. They would blow the pieces away not knowing that all too soon the wind would change and blow them back into their face, fierce and frayed, impossible to fix.

People change just like the earth spins.

One day you will be talking to someone who you may classify to be one of you better friends. You know basically everything about them, they know so much about you. You have let them into your world, the thing that is your being, only to have them rip and tear up your insides beyond recognition.The person you had grown to know so well is gone, only to be replaced by someone you fail to recognise. When you go to talk to them its like talking to a monkey. You both know its awkward, and there is very little common ground. All you can really do is laugh and walk away.

But maybe give them a banana first.

Kathleen Armstrong

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