Saturday, November 13, 2010

Blades of Grass

When I think of something really tranquil, I think of blades of grass, bending slowing as the wind pushes and pulls them around. When you are feel like screaming to the top of your lungs because something or someone is really pissing you off beyond reason it's nice to think about something like blades of grass. You know that those blades of grass don't have to deal with what you are going through, that they are at peace with the world, complete and utter peace. It makes you want to get out of there, leave that person/ thing and just run. Run far away, to where the blades of grass play and sway softly in the breeze. To your place of tranquility.
Sometime thats all we need. A little bit of tranquility, or a salvation, to get away from all those things that make you want to scream.

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