Saturday, February 19, 2011

we all will

I recently wrote this poem, its not happy, its not cheerful but it means something to me...

Im dying from loss of blood
My sight is becoming speckled with black dots as the world i once loved fades as i do
My chest, the pain, the smells of death engulf me
Pushing, kicking, screaming
My body twiches against the pains
Fighting for life
But theres nothing i can do
Im doomed to die
I have lost too much blood
The feeling in my hands fades and they grasp at my wounds trying to save their vessle
But as i loose control of my legs and the darkness becomes too much
I stop thrashing
I stop screaming
I stop living

Maybe its too dark and deathly, but not all the world is. There is good and bad, sometimes we have to look at the bad to focus on the good...

Kathleen Armstrong

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