Sunday, May 29, 2011


For school we had to read Tomorrow When The War Began.
I loved it and have started to read the rest of the series.
It makes me think, what would happen if I were in Ellies shoes?

I have only just started to learn how to drive, im a teenager with teenage problems.
Like does that guy like me, Do I like him?
Should I spend an extra ten dollars and get the better dress?
Or should I save that money and use it for that new jumper?

Then the guilt sets in, Guilt of how can I be worrying about guys and clothes when so much is happening in the world?

How can I be using my life so selfishly?

Why don't I just ask the guy out? Why don't I just buy the dress and the jumper?
Why am I being such a chicken about things that are so trivial?
Why am i not doing more with my life?

How can someone be so blind to their own stupidity?

People die.
Its a fact.
We are here and then we are gone.
The thing that matters is making the most of your time here as you can.

So I need to stop being chicken,
I need to live my life,
Because I never know when it could end.

Kathleen Armstrong